August 11, 1923 to March 9, 2019 |
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This is a very belated eulogy
for my mother, Mary Ellen VanBlaricum. I have no excuse for taking a year to
the week to finally get around to writing this. The deadly sin of sloth comes
to mind but it is not that I didn’t care, it is that emotional inertia slowed
me down. I also have to say that, as I put the finishing touches and edits on
this, it is Friday, March 13th, the fifth anniversary of my father’s
I am going
to state right up front that while this is my mom’s eulogy, my brother and I,
as well as my dad, are going to get mentioned several times. Please do not take
this as lack of focus or braggadocio, but rather, we are mentioned to point out
my mother’s focus and strengths. I think we tend to judge people’s lives by
what their life’s work was and the products they might have produced. We were
her life’s work and the products of that work.
Some of this eulogy comes from words my brother, Glenn Franklin VanBlaricum, Jr., wrote for a piece that appeared in the Heritage House (an assisted living facility) newsletter when she moved into her apartment there in the summer of 2015. Some of the words (paraphrased) come directly from my mom and my dad when I interviewed them over the years. I have included a few more details than the nonfamily members might want to know but this allows them to be recorded for posterity. Also, while I have referred to this as a eulogy, it is also part obituary and part biography. Call it what you will…it is about my mom’s life.
Some of this eulogy comes from words my brother, Glenn Franklin VanBlaricum, Jr., wrote for a piece that appeared in the Heritage House (an assisted living facility) newsletter when she moved into her apartment there in the summer of 2015. Some of the words (paraphrased) come directly from my mom and my dad when I interviewed them over the years. I have included a few more details than the nonfamily members might want to know but this allows them to be recorded for posterity. Also, while I have referred to this as a eulogy, it is also part obituary and part biography. Call it what you will…it is about my mom’s life.
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Mary Ellen, circa 1924. |
My notes say that my mother’s parents moved to Kankakee,
Illinois, when she was about two years old and lived in a house owned by her
Uncle George Shearer. What my grandpa did there in the construction industry is information that may be lost to history. Although, given the Shearer and
VanBlaricum families’ proclivity for storytelling, I am sure we can make
something up to fill in the void. They then moved from Kankakee to Noble,
Illinois, in a new Model T Ford with running boards equipped with expansion
luggage racks. The car was full of luggage, two adults, and seven kids. This seems like a
scene from Ma and Pa Kettle.
Mary Ellen started school in Noble which is a small town
about eight miles west of Olney. They lived on an apple orchard where her Uncle
Sam Everette also lived and worked. Her sister La Vaughn (Von) was born in
Noble. While they lived there, which was during the Depression, Ben went to
Anniston, Alabama, to work for a short period of time. Mary Ellen would walk
from the house at the orchard to the school south of town. Her feet didn’t
reach the ground when she sat at her desk so her brother Elmer (Elmo) cut a log
in half and carried it all the way to school and put it under her desk so she
could rest her feet. Apparently, according to her older sister Eunice (Eunie),
while their dad was working in Alabama, they mostly had chicken to eat. Eunie
said that they got tired of the chicken sandwiches and tried to trade them at
school. What they tried to trade them for is also lost to history but given the
locale I suspect that they were hoping for a rabbit, squirrel, or ham sandwich.
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Mary Ellen (on the left) and her sister Eunie. |
It is also
not clear when the family moved back to Olney from Noble but my mom told me
that she didn’t finish first grade in Noble. By second grade, the 1930/31
school year, she was in Room 3 of Central School in Olney. She told me that she lived in five different houses
as she grew up, each one a step up from the one before. She said that they had
a pet duck that lived more than ten years.
They also had a hunting beagle, Jiggs, that, after a hunt, her dad would
have to carry home because it had worn itself out chasing rabbits. This
explains some things for me. When I was a kid, we also had a pet duck and a
beagle. The duck, as I recall, didn’t live long but our beagle lived fourteen
years with my mom taking extremely good care of her.
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Olney Central School, Grade 2, Room 3,
May 1931 – Mary Ellen Shearer is pictured in the lower right corner.
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Mary Ellen is third from the left in the back row (the really happy one). Her brother, Elmo, is the team manager. |
As a high school senior she worked for NYA, National Youth Administration, helping teachers grade papers and such. She
said it paid a pittance but enough to afford to buy her class ring which cost
$12. After high school, Mary Ellen worked for the Surplus Commodities Office (part
of Roosevelt’s New Deal) at the Court House in Olney for a while. She then got
a job as a long distance operator working for Illinois Commercial Telephone
Company. The phone company sent her to Lawrenceville to school for two weeks to
learn to be a long distance operator (one ringy dingy, two ringy dingy). This
was her first time away from home and she told me that she got to eat out for
two weeks. She went to Lawrenceville on a Sunday and shared a room and a bed
with an older lady who was also being trained. The phone company paid her $12.00
a week and her take home pay was $11.76. She was living at home and paid her
parents $5.00 a week for room and board and she also helped with the
At that time
the Shearers lived in a big house at 705 East South Avenue in Olney. Also
living there were her younger siblings (Tom, Von, and June) and her older
sister, Eunie and Eunie’s husband, Clarence B. (Pede) Miller. Mary Ellen worked
at the phone company into the summer of 1942, even after she got married in
July of that year.
My mother told me that while still in
high school, during the summer of 1940 before her senior year, she met my
father, Glenn Franklin VanBlaricum. Her best friend was from Wynoose (yes, that
is a real Illinois town) who knew two guys from nearby Noble, Illinois. Glenn also was
from Noble. My dad would come into Olney with these two guys and my
mom’s friend introduced her to him. They met at the open air dance floor on top
of the bath house at the Olney swimming pool. (As an aside, her father Ben,
while working for the WPA, did all of the finish concrete work on the Olney
bath house, swimming pool, and dance floor.) She said at the time my dad
was teaching in the rural school in Noble, had a Ford, but no spending money. I
guess that means he had a hot rod Ford but not a two dollar bill.
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Mary Ellen and her five sisters the year she met Glenn. From left to right: Eunie, Mary Ellen, Frances, Von, June, Bertie |
Glenn, the youngest of eight children, was born in 1920 to Molly (Long)
and James VanBlaricum. (Another aside: Glenn’s 7th grandfather
came from Holland in 1634 as an indentured servant for Van Rensselaer.) Glenn’s
parents owned a small 56-acre farm on Hog Run Creek south of Noble about half
way between Noble and Wynoose. Glenn had a year of college at Eastern Illinois
State Teachers College (now Eastern Illinois University) and taught in rural
one-room schools in the 1939-40 and 1940-41 school years.
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Mary Ellen and Glenn's wedding photo. |
Two days
after their wedding, Glenn was transferred to Morris Field, now Charlotte
Douglas International Airport, in Charlotte, North Carolina, to begin fighter
pilot training. There he was assigned to fly the P-39 Bell Airacobra. While he
was there Mary Ellen continued working as a phone operator and lived at home
for a couple more weeks. She then joined him in Charlotte. She caught a train to Cincinnati from Olney.
Unfortunately, troop trains got first priority and her train was late getting
into Cincinnati. The conductor told her he would help her find her train but
instead made a pass at her. Since her train wouldn’t be in until the next day
she got a taxi to a hotel and slept with the light on all night. She then got
up at dawn and went back to the train station and sat there all day waiting for
her train.
In August, Glenn was transferred to Drew
Field, now Tampa International Airport, in Tampa, Florida, for advanced flight
training which consisted of combat formation, gunnery, and cross country
training. On September 12, 1942, Glenn was transferred from Drew Field to Ft. Dix,
Trenton, N.J., for assignment to the 81st Fighter Group. The troops went by
train from Tampa to Trenton while Mary Ellen followed by automobile with two
other wives. On September 23, 1942, Glenn was transferred to Camp Kilmer to
await the arrival of the 81st Fighter Group to go overseas. On September 27,
1942, Glenn embarked for overseas service on the Queen Mary to Glasgow,
Scotland. He was then assigned to Kirton-Lindsey, England, for a few months and
on December 23, 1942, he flew nonstop from Land’s End, England, to Port Lyautey, Morocco,
North Africa. On January 8, 1943 Glenn went into combat in Tunisia. He was in
combat against German ground troops in Tunisia, was in the Battle of Kasserine
Pass, and later against German ships and planes during the U.S. invasion of
Sicily. My dad did tell me (and I have it on tape) that of the original 27
pilots in the 91st fighter squadron he was in, only five came home. War is
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Mary Ellen, Glenn, and Glenn Jr. in Florida circa early 1944. |
After Glenn Sr. returned to the
States, exactly a year after being shipped out, they lived briefly in Atlantic
City about a half block from the Boardwalk on California Avenue. Glenn then finished
out WWII as a base operations officer at Page Field in Florida with Mary Ellen
and son. When living in Ft. Meyer, Florida, they rented a house from Mr. John
Melvin Parshall. Mr. Parshall ran a machine shop and made parts for Thomas
Edison. Mrs. Parshall was Thomas Edison’s bridge partner and she told them a
fair number of stories about Edison but, alas, none were passed on to me. Glenn
finished out the war at Punta Gorda Air Field, Florida, where he was Base
Operations Officer, Link Trainer officer, Air Sea Rescue Officer, Weight and
Balance Officer, and general flunky (his words, not mine). The three of them
lived on Alligator Creek and when Glenn needed picking up at the base on the
days he flew he would buzz their house. On August 29, 1945, they moved from
Punta Gorda back to the Olney / Noble area.
After the war, Glenn returned to teaching in Noble. He and Mary Ellen
bought their first house, which, like virtually all houses in Noble, had a well
for water, an outhouse, and an ice box. It was a good family time, with most of
Mary Ellen's siblings living in or near Olney, and two of Glenn's brothers and
both sisters, near Noble. This allowed three
years of stability for Mary Ellen after moving several times during WWII. On
March 11, 1947, Mary Ellen and Glenn lost a baby at birth, Thomas Lynn
In 1948 the family made the first of a number of moves north to better
teaching positions but worse weather. This move was to Newton, Illinois, where
Glenn again taught in the elementary school and was a winning basketball coach. Michael Lee VanBlaricum, that’s me, was born
on September 27, 1950. Mary Ellen began to explore her artistic inclinations,
and took up textile painting along with sewing, knitting, and crocheting, since
with only two children, a husband, a dog, and a chicken, she obviously didn't
have much to keep herself busy. The chicken, an Easter chick named Mister
Easter, met his end in a stew pot, a fact that Glenn Jr. learned about only
some years later.
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Glenny, Mary Ellen, and Mike as a babe in arms. LAte 1950 or early 1951 in Newon, Illinois. |
The next
move was to Charleston, where Glenn earned a bachelor's degree in elementary
education on the GI Bill from Eastern Illinois University in May 1952. While
living in the barracks in Charleston, I drank a bottle of weed killer that a
neighbor had put in a milk bottle and left on the porch. I had my stomach
pumped and the neighbor was lucky to have survived my dad’s wrath. After that,
I lost my taste for weed killer.
Next the
family moved to Toledo, Illinois, where Glenn became the elementary school
principal. My dad joined the Masons, Mother joined the Eastern Star, and Glenn
Jr. joined the Boy Scouts. I just hung around and my mom tried to keep me from
not hurting or poisoning myself which was only partially successful.
In 1954, the
family made a big move to Momence, about 50 miles south of Chicago, where Glenn
became principal of the elementary schools (two of them) and the junior high
school. Momence has a totally different climate where people ice skate in the
winter, and where the VanBlaricum family members were teased for having a
"southern accent" by people who had a definite Chicago accent; well, all
except for me who, only three at the time of the move, started developing a Chicago
twang. The family lived in Momence for seven years, the longest in one place
During that
time, Mary Ellen was my Cub Scout Den Mother for a while and worked hard to keep me from
falling into the Kankakee River, which was at the end of our block, and often
took me to the physician’s office to have parts sewn back together, concussions
fixed, and various diseases treated, including double pneumonia. Glenn, Jr.
delivered the Kankakee Daily Journal to everyone south of the Kankakee River in
Momence, became an Eagle Scout, and blew up mailboxes on Halloween.
In 1961,
Glenn took a job selling textbooks for the publisher D.C Heath and Company and
the family decamped to Princeton, Illinois, shortly after Glenn, Jr. had graduated
as valedictorian from Momence High School. Glenn Jr. went on to also be valedictorian of the University of Illinois Class of 1965. In 1967, Glenn became superintendent
and high school principal in Wyanet, Illinois, but still lived in the same
house in Princeton. Glenn and Mary Ellen lived in Princeton for 21 years, during
which time both sons received BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, both married, and both
came to live in Santa Barbara. Glenn, Jr. married Claire Dunn in July 1972 and I
married Pam Calvetti in June of 1972. Yep, you heard that right. I got married
a month before my older brother.
After Glenn
retired in 1979 they began to spend winters in Santa Barbara, first just to
evade frigid weather and then to spend time with their three grandchildren (a
boy, James, by Glenn Jr. and Claire, and two girls, Ann and Susan, from Pam and
It was while she lived in Princeton
that my mother took up painting, mainly still lifes and lots of flowers. She
never took on portraits, but did a fine job with Goofy.
In 1982,
after finally tiring of the northern Illinois winters, Mary Ellen and Glenn
moved back to Olney to be near four of Mary Ellen's sisters and one brother.
She painted and Glenn made wooden toys and household articles that she
decorated using the fine art of tole painting. They enjoyed selling their creations
at craft shows.
Mary Ellen and Glennon their 65th wedding anniversary in their home in Goleta. |
Mary Ellen
died at the age of 95 on March 9, 2019, at home in her apartment at Heritage
House. She is survived by her two sons, three grandchildren, and three great
grandchildren. She is also survived by her sister, Von Crum, of Olney, Illinois,
and more nieces and nephews than I have ever been able to count.
Fortunately, she got to know two of her three great
grandchildren and enjoyed every minute of being with them.
In writing this I
found a set of my mom’s notes where she was answering my questions from back in
1989. On the first page of her notes she put the following quote:
memories are an untidy family album crammed with images and dreams, scattered
and uncatalogued, and their sudden recurrence is wholly unpredictable.” She
attributes it to Readers Digest but
without author or date.